Herb mentioned that he was back being impressed with Nebupannezzar as last weeks loss looked like an aberration. He thinks Native Bride, supplementing to the BC will a boon for her 3YO filly of the year status.
Harness Herbs Tuesday Top Ten
1. Somebeachsomewhere (1)
2. Shadow Play (2)
3. Deweycheatumnhowe (3)
4. Nebupanezzar (5)
5. Enough Talk (4)
6. Mister Big (6)
7. Native Bride (7)
8. Crazed (8)
9. Federal Flex (NR)
10. Hawaiian Drink (NR)
Ok, Ok. I as much as anyone want the Beach on top and ahead of Dewey. But come on, I don't see how Shadow Play should be.
Hi A,
Herb says this:
"It is not about the horse's record, it is about the horse. Shadow Play not only has won several major stakes like the Jug, Adios and Messenger, he has had to race against two other world record holders to do it. In fact, he set two world records himself. If Beach (arguably the greatest horse since Niatross) was not in this division, SP would have made more money, and set more records, including the world record in the Jug, with him owning records on both half and five eights mile tracks. Conversely, Dewey has not had to race anything close to a world record holder. If he had to race a Donato Hanover, or another colt like that, he would be nowhere near undefeated. He would not have probably won the Hambo, or Canadian Trotting Classic. Dewey has 151 speed and that is about all he has shown and owns no world records. He has not even raced on a 5/8's or 1/2 mile track to show what he can do. This is not good enough when compared to Shadow Play. We have to look at the horse, and not how much money they have made, because each year a horse can make money in a rich division like 3YO colt trotters. They are all not equal. Thus Shadow Play is ranked ahead of Dewey"
Herb also likes when horses come back at 4.
I see Blaine below in the comments put the throw down that SP is going to beat Beach next week. Wonder what Herb thinks?
Post positions for the 3YO colt trot might be interesting, Crazed looked good last time I thought.
I have to go get that live blogging software and give it a shot for BC night. I assume these races are going to be pretty interesting.
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