I flipped on Yonkers last night and saw their promo that they run most nights for their ADW.
- 8% rewards on all Yonkers wagers
- 10% winning deposit bonus, so if you spend $10 on a bet, get back $100 for $90 profit, they give you another $9.
- 100% deposit bonus (up to $100).
No, this isn't CAW stuff, but frankly it's pretty damn good.
Let's go through it for a second.
Let's deposit $1,000 at Yonkers, which is $900 plus the $100 bonus.
Let's pretend we don't know much about handicapping but we have some betting skill. Here's the post index at the Hilltop oval:
Posts outside the top, say, 4 are not great. Posts 1 through 4 beat the average loss by a few points, generally.
With our $1,000 bank, let's bet every rail horse to win. 100 bets of $10 each.
We cash around 20 out of 100 bets; these bets are eligible for a 10% bonus.
Our $1,000 bet returns us 8% back ($80).
And we got started with a free $100.
We're pretty much beating the takeout and we haven't done anything but take advantage of a promo and better pricing.
If this sounds rudimentary it's because it is.
But it's also what CAW teams do. They do it with scale.
Why, if you play this track, do you not take advantage of this? It's a potential thousands and thousands of dollars a year for your bankroll. They even have 5% rebates - regardless of volume, yes, even if you bet $25 a day - for many other tracks.
It's good for Yonkers - they get pool sizes up - and it's good for players - they make more money.
They aren't the only ones if you shop around. I don't know for sure, but I believe Iron Bets probably offers cash rewards. So does Horseplayerbet.com. There are others.
I know the CAW debates get people in a tizzy, but they're not going anywhere and the real betting world is what it is. We have to adapt the best we can.
Canadian players with HPI have zero choice in this country, but players who play at the big track ADW's who do not offer rewards do have a choice. What in the world is stopping you from making the financially correct one?
Have a great Thursday everyone.
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