We certainly live in a cold country. It struck me this week we have to be a bit different here, considering anywhere north of Sudbury is generally snowbound and colder than a handicapper on a losing streak. But it is a pretty neat country isn't it? I glanced a bit at the inauguration this week in the US (a country that I like and admire by the way). Celebrities, money spent like the country is in good shape, glitz, glitter, superstardom. I kind of like our way. When a Prime Minister gets elected here, he is seen the next day walking his kids to school. When he gets sick, like ours did awhile back with an asthma attack, he goes to an emergency room and stands in line with the rest of us. I think it is wonderful that we treat people very much the same way here. It is somewhat curious, because as long ago British subjects, the whole royalty thing you would think would have caught on here, but it really did not. Maybe we are all too cold? Or just too busy looking out our backyard at some deer.
Back to harness racing tomorrow. That picture just made me chuckle about some of the crazy weather we have here, and I thought it was such a Canadian shot.
The one to the left is getting a perfect pocket trip.
At Hazel Park simulcasting Friday afternoon a patron is heard asking(pertaining to the 10 horse 10th race at Tampa)"how much will it cost me to play the 10 cent super 2,7/2,7/all/all?" An obvious novice.
Any luck at Tampa RG? Glancing at the results things look fairly formful.
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