Some facts that Glen offers about this phenom:
-Born 1994 -15 years old
-233 starts, 200 wins
-21.2 million in earnings
-sire of 500 plus; 11 are millionaires
-holds every World Record for cold blood trotters
-win : 86%
-in the money : 94%
-horse of the Year title in Sweden -Norway -Finland -11 times
-multiple winner of every major race
-number of consecutive wins 42
-200th win today
-mandatory retirement this year
When he was profiled last year by Dean Hoffman, this old fella only had 176 wins - so he has been busy.
Somebeachsomewhere was heralded for his 20 for 21 record. Zenyatta is equally heralded for her 14 for 14. How about 200 for 233? Priceless.
Nice .Here,s one for ya before I head back to The Big Easy in the morn.Todays race 2nd,3rd and 8th place horses were also his kids.
What is a cold blooded trotter? Is he a serial killer or something?
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